Welcome to the 2nd grade info page! Here you will find information on our curriculum as well as 2nd grade specific information. You can also find information regarding 2nd grade on our Classroom pages:
Realize the Catholic Church is a Christian Community
Realize ones responsibility for choices and actions
Show respect for all God’s creations
Show forgiveness for self and others
Learn the Prayer of Sorrow
Prepare and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist
Understand the Liturgy of the Word/Liturgy of the Eucharist
Introduction to the Old/New Testament
Develop awareness of how our church honors saints
Discuss church celebrations in relation to the liturgical seasons of the year.
Actively prepare and participate in liturgies throughout the year
Describe and identify parts of a story and story structure
Note story details
Understand author’s viewpoint
Make generalizations and judgments about what is read
Identify cause and effect
Categorize and classify
Learn about and read books from several genres
Develop and increase vocabulary
Answer questions to demonstrate comprehension
Follow oral directions given to a group
Use effective strategies to analyze words, fluency, and expressiveness
Introduction to novels
Guided reading
Recognize and write complete sentences identifying subjects and predicates
Alphabetize words to the third letter
Identify parts of speech
Write descriptive and time-order paragraphs
Apply appropriate capitalization and punctuation skills in writing
Recognize prefixes and suffixes in words
Demonstrate use of a dictionary and its parts
Write a friendly letter
Use research books to write a report
Know basic addition and subtraction facts through 18
Read, write, and compare numbers to 100 and to 1,000
Demonstrate and understand place value to the hundreds place
Count various coin combinations
Solve problems that require 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction with regrouping
Count, write, and tell time to 5 –minute intervals
Estimate and measure lengths and volumes using standard and non-standard units
Identify and classify plane and solid geometric figures
Identify fractional parts of a whole and of a group
Model and identify patterns
Organize and interpret data using tables, charts, diagrams, and graphs
Develop and apply problem-solving strategies
Social Studies
Read and interpret maps and globes
Relate the role of government to rights and responsibilities
Compare and contrast diverse groups of people, families, and cultural traditions from around the world
Develop and practice skills of being a responsible citizen
Demonstrate the individual roles of a producer and consumer
Identify various landforms
Magnets-properties, magnetic force and fields, North and South poles attract and repel
Rocks-sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic
Matter-solids, liquids, and gas, living and non-living
Habitats-pond, forest, desert, ocean, and rain forest
Nutrition-introduction to the food pyramid
Erosion of wind and water
Plants and pollination
STEM activities
Specialty Classes
Grading Scale
Grading for 2nd grade is as follows:
M Most of the Time
P Part of the Time
N Not Yet
Homework for 2nd grade consists of spelling words, math facts, reading with parents, and an assignment sent home once or twice a week.
Mass / Reconciliation
2nd grade attends Mass weekly on Wednesdays. You are welcome to attend. Please check the monthly calendar for dates. 2nd grade students also celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist.
Friday Folders
We send home papers in a Friday Folder and newsletters are sent home either monthly or weekly, depending on the teacher, to keep parents informed of what is happening in the classroom.
Discipline System
The 2nd grade discipline system consists of color changes. Students start the day on green and are given a warning to stop an inappropriate behavior. If the behavior continues a student changes their color to a yellow. If it still continues it may need to be changed to a red. If a student is on red, a note is sent home to let the parents know about the inappropriate behavior.
We also have positive rewards for each class which varies by classroom.
Birthday Treats and Party Invitations
Students may bring a treat to school for their classmates to enjoy on or close to their birthday. Please make sure the treats are peanut and tree nut free. Please provide napkins or necessary utensils for the treat to make it quick and easy to serve at school. Students are not allowed to pass out invitations in school.