I wanted to share a few photos from Christmas. The 4th graders performed a wonderful musical. This class can sing!!! We also had a special visit from Santa.
Godfather Students of the Months
I just wanted to share a few photos of our Godfather students of the month. Each student was selected for being a good listener who is great at following directions. They are good examples for their peers. Thanks for being such excellent role models Maddie, Rosie, Dan, and Ava!!
4C 2024-2025 Newsletter
August 30, 2024
We’ve had a great week in 4th grade. I have enjoyed getting to know all the different personalities in 4C. We had a dress down day to collect funds for the Jimmy Moran scholarship. 4th graders love dress down days!
4C did a Book Tasting this week. We talked about the different genres, and then we sampled several books from each category. The 4th graders then wrote book reviews for each book that they read. Several students found books that they liked, and they want to check them out of the library next week.
Friday, the students took their first spelling test. They will come home next Friday. I am really proud of my students who studied this week and did their very best.
We have starting writing our picture books to read to our preschool buddies. The 4th graders picked a special memory from their summer and described the memory with all of their senses. Then they illustrated their books. They look really nice. We can’t wait to share them.
Monica Stromberg
Welcome to 4C
August 23, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!
This is my first year at SPSL and my 15th year of teaching. I taught at Boys Town last year. My experiences at public and private schools in Omaha, Lincoln, and Grand Island have been enlightening. My husband and I have two children who are enrolled at UNO.