Dear Parents,
As we finish up our second quarter of fourth grade, I would like to wish everyone a joy filled and meaningful Christmas time with your families and loved ones. I know I have said it before, but I have been blessed to get to know your children and your families by coming to SPSL
During November and December we researched a famous athlete, made a trading card, and gave small presentations. The first time researching for a report can be challenging, but the students had fun and enjoyed using the research engines provided.
Another challenge was learning how to multiply large numbers and begin the process of working long division problems. January will be filled with review of both of these math concepts. If there are struggles, please know that we are all on the same page with learning happening day by day. Thank you for the help you gave learning math facts!
We continued to meet in Literature Circles to read and discuss our current books and read about Lou Gehrig and Amelia Earhart as a whole group while reinforcing comprehension, english, and study skills.
Our class has collectively read over 3 million words thus far through Accelerated Reader. Your child has a new point goal to make during January and February. The winter quarter of AR reading ends on March 1. They will be in their planner on a sticker next week.
In the spirit of giving, a few of you have asked about what we need at school. These items could double as a gift to the classroom or anyone. Some ideas for you are:
A ream of white copy paper (used to create work papers for math, reading, and language arts)
Gluesticks (used for projects and interactive notebooks)
Skinny colored markers (used as learning markers when writing in math, and
These would be shared with everyone and would make a fine gift:)
Thank you again, for your constant kindness towards me….it has made my move to SPSL wonderful!
Keep the Faith ….Laura Zabloudil
I hope to be done grading and entering our final tests next week in Black Baud. Thank you for your patience.
Have a great Christmas Holiday!!