Wow! One quarter left in the school year! I am so excited for what we have planned.
Homeroom – 8D has just earned another ROAR party which will take place on Thursday, March 27. Theme is TBD!
7th Grade – 7th grade math is wrapping up Chapter 7 – Geometry. Students will not have a Chapter 7 test, but instead will have a project. Chapter 8 covers measures of central tendency and different ways to represent them visually. Students will also have a final project in lieu of a Chapter 8 test.
8th Grade and 8th Grade Advanced – Both 8th grade classes are beginning Chapter 7 – Proportions. It’s a great chance to use their algebra skills in a new way. Chapter 8 will introduce the coordinate plane as well as graphing lines using multiple methods.
Today, the students had a belated Pi Day celebration. Each student tried to calculate pi by dividing a circle’s circumference by its diameter. We then combined their circles into one giant “Pi.”
Hello and happy December! We only have 8 school days left!
Homeroom: 8D students will be celebrating their Christmas Party on 12/19!
7th Grade: 7th Grade math students will have a cumulative test on 12/11. This covers Chapters 1-4 and part of Chapter 5. The remainder of the semester will be spent working on a proportions project. Students will need: a ruler, markers and/or crayons, and a small rectangular object they can create a larger version of. I recommend either candy or chips wrappers, but students have also done Pokemon cards, business cards, etc. Please see the attached pictures to get an idea of what to expect! All missing work, test or quiz corrections, or test retakes are due by December 18th.
8th Grade: 8th Grade math students will have a cumulative test on 12/12. This covers Chapters 1-4 and 11. The following week, we will begin preparing for the HSPT. All missing work, test or quiz corrections, or test retakes are due by December 18th.
8th Grade Advanced: 8th Grade advanced will have a cumulative exam on 12/12. This covers Chapters 1-4, 11, and sections 5.1-5.8. The following week, we will begin preparing for the HSPT. All missing work, test or quiz corrections, or test retakes are due by December 18th.
8D News!
Homeroom: Our homeroom is looking forward to celebrating a PBIS party this Wednesday during study hall. I will provide snacks for students (or they can bring their own from home), and we can play some games.
Math: Students have worked so hard in Q1! Please see updates for specific classes below.
7th Grade Math: The 7th graders have been mastering fractions. We will finish up chapter 3 in the next week or two and move onto equations and inequalities. Throughout the quarter, students have been brushing up on their word-problem skills and translating between English and Math.
8th Grade Math: The 8th grade class just finished up one-, two-, and multi-step equations. They’ve been making Mastery Assignments to show how much they know. Ask your 8th grader to see their project – there have been amazing videos, slide shows, and posters turned in so far.
8th Grad Math (Adv): The Advanced class is working on polynomial basics. Next up is rational versus irrational numbers and then factoring equations to solve quadratic equations.
It was a pleasure to meet so many of your at Back to School Night. I am looking forward to getting started on math with your students. We will be completing our IXL diagnostic test early next week and then launching into Chapter 1 for each of our classes.
Our initial STAR testing is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd.
In the meantime, please reach out with any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Lichtas
Hello all. We are coming up on the end of the 8th grade year. May looks to be very busy. One of our events is Mission Day where we are collecting items for two different groups. We have New Cassel Retirement home that we are collecting hygiene supplies for residents. We are also collecting items for the group Omaha Welcomes the Stranger. We have selected to support six students in grades 8-12.
If you would like to support our mission and would like to send hygiene supplies or other items an 8th – senior might enjoy having for the summer please feel to send them to SPSL before May 1st.
I’m also including a link to our Amazon Wishlist to make shopping even easier.
Thank you
Mrs. Jaros and 8D
What a busy Catholic Schools Week for 8D. On Monday we were entertained with some amazing music and dancing. Tuesday, half of the class was able to celebrate mass with their family at St. Pius X and enjoyed donuts after. Wednesday, the other half of the students were able to ride the bus to celebrate mass with their families at St. Leo the Great and also enjoyed donuts. What a fun time.
Looking forward to the rest of the week. Thursday the students are going to celebrate mass with all the other 8th grade Catholic Schools at St. Cecilia’s. I’m sure we will have a great time. Friday the drama students are showing off their talents by performing Willy Wonka for us. I can’t wait to see it because they always do a wonderful job.
8D is eagerly awaiting Christmas. We couldn’t be more excited to spend time with our 2nd grade buddies and celebrate the Jesus together. The 8th grade teachers are starting to make plans for graduation!
High school placement exams are right around the corner. 8th grade math will be doing some practice activities to prepare. We will also be moving forward in our algebra books.
7th grade is preparing to take percentages in the coming months. It should be an exciting time of learning new skills.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Mrs. Jaros
It’s spooky season in 8D. All grade levels have been hard at work increasing their math skills.
7th graders are working with fractions and decimals and currently taking on scientific notation.
8th graders are working on Order of Operations and getting ready to take on word problems with the use of charts.
We are have a lot of fun in homeroom too. We are journaling daily and working on our problem solving skills thanks to Wordle.
Have a fun and safe Halloween.
Mrs. Jaros
Hello class of 2024! I’m so excited to start the year with you. We will be working on our math skills this year in 8D but also growing emotionally and spiritually. I can’t wait for this year to begin. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me. Also, if you love math like I do, please consider join our MathCounts team. Mrs. Jaros
Hello families!
What a busy time of year. The 8th graders are anxiously awaiting graduation and preparing to be high schoolers. I think I may be the only one who isn’t ready for May.
Currently 7th and 8th grade math classes are review Algebra concepts to prepare for next year. As always, please reach out with any questions.
Mrs. Jaros
Hello families. Happy Catholic Schools Week! It’s been a busy January in 8th grade. Most currently we are excited to watch our classmates perform in the school play this week. The students have been working so diligently to prepare an awesome show for everyone.
The students and I are patiently waiting for Valentine’s Day. We had the opportunity to make Valentine cards for our 2nd grade partners this week. We also had the pleasure of joining them for board game fun this week. Another exciting opportunity we were given this week was to attend an all city 8th grade mass.
We have a field trips coming up this month which should be very exciting please watch for permission slips. Have a great month and as always if you need anything please let me know.
It’s been a busy few months in 8D. Both 7th and 8th grade math are moving through their units with great success. Our big push for the next couple of months will be organization skills as well as more math practice.
8d homeroom was happy to welcome their 2nd grade buddies and looks forward to spending more time with them in the future. We are all looking forward to the Holidays.
Hello Students and Families!
Welcome to the new school year. I’m very excited to start this journey to Junior High math with you. I look forward to getting to know everyone and growing together.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.
Mrs. Jaros
Hello! I have been teaching math since 2009. I have a degree in Cognitive Science from Northwestern University and a Master of Education from Creighton. Outside of the classroom, I like spending time hiking and camping with my family.