Hello SPSL,
We have been busy since the start of the new year in PE. We started out with cosmic bowling which is a favorite activity for several students and a good activity to ease back into from break. Basketball is the next unit that we have been working on lately. We have placed our focus on being able to maintain a constant dribble with our eyes up as well as working on our shooting. Students played a game called hot shots which consists of groups trying to make shots while standing on poly spots on the floor. These spots are placed in different areas in front of the basketball hoop with varying distances. If a student makes a shot, they get to take the spot back to their groups hula hoop. Teams must try to get all 18 spots in front of their basket. Younger students also use big hula hoops around the basketball hoops as a lower shooting target if needed.
Mr. Nelson
Welcome back! I hope that everyone had a great summer break! I am excited for another year of exciting PE activities. Make sure students have good tennis shoes for class and students can bring a water bottle too.
Mr. Nelson
We have been busy with lots of different activities in PE this month. Students finished up their pillo polo unit which is a game that is similar to floor hockey. Students were able to play the game hula hut throwdown which combines lots of different jobs and sports skills. Students are able to shoot dodgeballs into the basketball hoops, build hula huts, knock down hula huts, and defend. This week the students had a chance to play the game battleship which is a favorite with most students and they had a great time playing. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas break!
Mr. Nelson
We hope you had a wonderful summer and we are looking forward to having you back for classes in the gym! Please make sure your child has good tennis shoes that lace or velcro.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
Hope everyone had a great spring break! We just finished up our basketball unit with all of the grades before spring break. K-3rd grade practiced several different dribbling activities and shooting games to start the basketball unit. The second week, we focused on basketball stations involving dribbling, shooting, and passing. This week, students are starting on badminton skills. Our older students have been practicing forehand and backhand hits as well as serves for badminton. Our younger students are doing striking and net game stations. The 4 stations this week are beachball volleyball, balloon tennis, strikerball, and hula hoop balloon volleyball. Next week older students will focus on playing doubles games of badminton and younger students will have four new striking and net game stations.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL!
We have been busy in PE playing several different games the past few weeks. Students in K-3 learned how to build hula huts with hula hoops and also learned how to play hula hut knockdown. In this game each team has four hula huts on their side of the gym. Each team tries to throw dodgeballs at the opposing teams hula huts to knock them over. If a student is able to knock down a hula hut, they are given points based on what card they draw from a deck of cards. Students also played an activity called scooter blitz. Students ride around on scooters while trying to throw dodgeballs at opposing teams bowling pins. Each team has guards that protect their pins and guards are allowed to stand. Students get the chance to be on the scooter and be a guard throughout the game. This week the students are doing cosmic bowling. We have several different strands of Christmas lights and projectors going with Christmas music for the students to go bowling. Students had a great time bowling.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
Our K-4th grade students just finished up this week with Halloween stations. Students were able to do a wide variety ok skills involving throwing, rolling, building, scooters, bowling, and striking balloons. Last week students were practicing under hand tossing and over hand throwing. The students played clean out your backyard. In this game students throw foam balls back and forth over the volleyball nets. It give students lots of tossing and throwing skills practice and many repetitions as well as give students a chance to practice their catching skills.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
We are off to a great start this school year and have covered several activities so far. The 4th-8th grade started the year off with Kan Jam a frisbee activity. The students did a great job learning the game and working together with their partners. We then moved on to the game Pickleball. Pickleball is a very fun game that incorporates different elements of tennis, ping pong, and badminton. Students started out by learning how to strike the ball with a forehand and backhand as well as learn how to properly serve the ball. We then moved into games and introduced certain rules of pickleball in sections to better help the students understand them. We have since moved on to soccer activities this week. The Pk – 3rd students started out the year with a few tag games called fire and ice tag and bean bag skip tag. We then moved on to striking stations. Students were able to try out several striking stations including balloon tennis, pillo polo goal shooting, beachball volleyball, partner t-ball, golf putting, and various balloon striking stations. This week, the students have moved on to soccer foot skills activities including fruit loop tag and soccer pin knockdown.
Mr. Nelson
We hope you had a wonderful summer and we are looking forward to having you back for classes in the gym! Please make sure your child has good tennis shoes that lace or velcro.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
We have finished out the year with various activities from kickball to Frisbee games, parachute activities, and small-sided soccer games. We hope that you all have a fun and relaxing summer!
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL! Since our last update, students have completed a hockey unit. All grades worked on hockey skills with various stations that involved hockey dribbling, passing, shooting ball at target, and 1 on 1 shooting versus a goalie. Next older students played the game Ring Fire Hockey, which uses rings as the hockey pucks. Students use the back end of their stick and use a wrist shot to send a ring over to the opposing teams side. Each team has bowling pins that the opposing team tries to knock over in hopes of getting 8 total pins to win. Older students also had a day of playing floor hockey games to compete with their classmates. Younger students played a hockey game that reinforced their hockey dribbling skills. We have moved onto Lacrosse with older students. This week they are focused on learning passing, catching, and scooping skills. Our K-4 students are practicing some activities to work on soccer skills. We are currently playing soccer tag. This game works on developing soccer-dribbling skills and moving safely in space. We are also playing a soccer pin knockdown activity in which students must try to kick dodgeballs at the opposing teams pins to knock them over. First team to knock down all of the opposing teams pins wins.
Mr. Nelson
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL! The Winter Olympics have started up so we decided to have some stations similar to some of the Olympic events students might see. One of the students’ favorite stations was the bobsled. We used folding mats and scooters to create our bobsled and students would take turns pushing these. Students also did speed skating with carpet squares, ski jumping off foldable mats, curling with beanbags, and hockey shooting. The students had a great time with these stations and many students shared about seeing some of these events on tv while watching the winter Olympics with their families. The 5th through 8th students have started a Team Handball unit this week. This game involves a great deal of catching and throwing as well as defensive strategy. Students have been doing a great job with this game so far and we are planning to explore a few other games with similar rules.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
Student have started the new year learning the skills of two games called Spikeball and Kan Jam. Spikeball, also called round net, is a very fun game that has similarities of 2 vs 2 volleyball. Students must work on open hand striking and passing as well as accuracy and strategy. K-4th grade are learning the basic skills of spikeball but we incorporate more bouncing and catching first as a lead up to more advanced skills. Kan Jam is the other activity we are practicing this week and this game involves Frisbee skills. In Kan Jam the object of the game is for teammates to score points by one partner throwing Frisbee and the other trying to deflect the Frisbee into the goal. K-4th grade students are also practicing these skills mainly learning how to throw the Frisbee and deflecting the Frisbee into the can.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
4th-8th grade students have started in on a Badminton unit. Students worked on lots of skill work the first week learning forehand and backhand serves as well as striking the birdie back and forth over the net. This week, we have been incorporating badminton games playing doubles. The students have done a really great job with badminton and learning the skills and rules of the game. Last week, K-4 students played a game called scooter blitz. In this game students get to be scooter players as well as goalies. Students try to knock over opposite teams’ pins by throwing or rolling the dodgeballs. This week students are playing a game called Decorate the Christmas Tree. In a relay fashion, students take their ornaments (hula hoops, deck rings, scarves, cones) and place them on their tree. Students get to be a tree and balance the equipment on their arms (branches).
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
We hope everyone is having a great start to the year! 4th-8th grade have been working on team building games to start the year. Across the river is a game we played in which students have two folding mats. The object of the game is to work together, communicate, and strategize ways to move their team and mats to the other side of the gym without stepping off of the mats. Students also played a game called finesse which requires them to complete 3 rounds of challenges such as rolling and throwing dodgeballs, throwing Frisbees, and throwing pool noodles to designated targets. PK-3rd students have been working hard on moving safely throughout the gym using different locomotor movement patterns, learning start and stop commands, and remembering their squad spots. Students have also played two tagging games (fire and ice tag/plank tag) to help us learn to skip, gallop, hop ect. The first few weeks are important for students to learn the rules/procedures as well. We are now currently in a volleyball unit and working on skills. Students have played Newcomb volleyball which is a catching and throwing version of volleyball as well as beach ball volleyball. This week students will have more of a game week where they will play regular volleyball rules. Younger students have been playing various games working on rolling and throwing dodgeballs over and under the nets called Clean Out Your Backyard. Students have also played super bowling, which is a rolling game that each team tries to knock over the other teams bowling pins.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
We have been working on our catching and throwing skills lately with several activities. We have played two different versions of the game battleship in which students must try to throw and knock over the opposing teams bowling pins. These games involve a lot of strategy, communication, and problem solving from teammates on how to best defend their pins and knock over others. With both of these games students also get a chance to ride around on a scooter. For our PE in the classroom time, students have been working various tossing and catching skills using Frisbees and beanbags. Student’s have a chance to work on hand eye coordination and balancing during these skills as well as creating their own tossing and catching challenges. The students have really done a great job of adjusting to PE in the classroom this year. As the weather starts to warm up, we will be able to start having many of our classes back outside in the morning! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Easter!
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL,
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas break and Happy New Year! We have started out the new year with a hockey unit. Last week we emphasized moving safely in the gym with our hockey sticks, keeping the blade of the hockey stick near the ground, and holding the stick correctly. We practiced a few drills that focused on moving the hockey puck or ball close to us and using wrist shots to score goals. Our 4th grade students played a game called six-goal hockey. The object of the game is to get as many hockey pucks or balls into your goal as possible. Teams can steal a puck if it is not in a goal. Once all of the pucks and balls are in a goal, the game stops and teams count up their total score. This week we will be playing six goal hockey with our younger students. Our older students will be playing a hockey shooting accuracy game in which they will be trying to knock down opposing teams bowling pins.
Mr. Nelson
Hello SPSL Community! Students have been doing a lot of practice with frisbees the past couple of weeks. Our younger students worked on tossing the frisbee using proper technique as well as working on different ways to catch the frisbee. We also worked on throwing the frisbee at a stationary target with a game called dice bonk. Students try to knock an oversized dice off of a cone and race their partner to be the first person to score 21 total points. Our older students worked on a game called frisbee slam which is a lead up to the game Kan Jam. Students have to throw the frisbee to their partner and have their partner slam the frisbee down inside of a hula hoop. We then progressed this game by challenging another team to play and then ended up playing full games of Kan Jam by the end. Students also enjoyed playing a couple warm up rock, paper, scissors games and baseball tag. We will be doing a couple of Halloween games and activities this week and next week.
Mr. Nelson
We have had a great start to the school year so far! We have been working on different skills based on if we are inside the classroom or outside for PE. Students started out the year playing a soccer game called Protect Your Cones. Students are socially distanced into a four square set up and given two tall cones that they have to protect from being knocked over by the other players. Each four square section is given 2 soccer balls in which they can pass or use to knock over an opponents cone. It’s a race to see who can knock over 5 cones first! Last week, in the classroom, we worked on various beanbag challenges. These included tossing and catching, balancing, and foot skills. We also incorporated the use of pickle ball and ping-pong paddles into our beanbag challenges to practice hand eye coordination, tossing and catching with short handle paddle, striking, and balancing. The students have really done a nice job of adjusting to PE in the classroom. They do a wonderful job of staying near their desks, sanitizing their hands often, and giving their best effort during activities. This week, we will be playing beanbag golf with K-2 and Frisbee golf with 3-4. Our activities will change daily based on the weather as we are hoping to be outside as much as possible.
Mr. Nelson
I hope that everyone had a great summer and we are so happy to have you back in school again! We are going to do our best this year to provide students with safe and fun activities for PE! It is our hope that we will be outside as much as we possibly can be to give students a chance to move around, exercise, and practice skills.
Mr. Nelson
Hello all! My name is Troy Nelson and I am one of the PE teachers at SPSL. I am entering my 13th year of teaching and 7th year at SPSL. My wife Abbie is an Occupational Therapist and we have three wonderful children. In my free time I enjoy hanging out with my family, lifting weights, playing drums, listening to music, watching Husker football, and watching movies.