Daily Announcements


The south parking lot near the soccer fields is rarely full. This is a great spot to pick up your student, especially if you are having trouble finding a spot in another lot. All grade levels are welcome to park in this lot.

The east parking lot across 69th Street fills up quickly. If you pickup in that lot, please pull in completely so as not to block traffic on Blondo Street. Please do not turn left onto Blondo Street from the east parking lot during dismissal.

Only Pre-K parents may use the west lot to pick up their Pre-K students. Anyone using the west parking lot must have a PreK parking pass. Please alert all grandparents/neighbors/friends who pick up your child that they may no longer enter this lot in the afternoon unless they have a PreK student and PreK parking pass.

Grandpanthers Invited!

Grandparents and Grandfriends of SPSL 1st and 3rd graders are invited to a special matinee showing of The High Seas.

When: Thursday, April 3rd at 2:00pm. Doors open at 1:30pm.

Where: SPSL Gym. 6905 Blondo St. Parking available in upper and lower south lots.






We are blessed to have two parishes that are integral to helping us live out our Catholic school mission at St. Pius X / St. Leo School. As you know, both of our pastors have invited our students and their families to participate in Sunday liturgies at each parish.

We are looking for two SPSL parents to help organize the St. Leo family Masses that are led by grade levels of SPSL students for the 2025-2026 school year. Responsibilities include coordinating with the St. Leo’s staff, soliciting student/family volunteers via sign-up genius/emails, coordinating to ensure all roles are filled, and being a point of contact at the designated Masses. There are five Masses throughout the school year. Please consider volunteering in this role and if interested, email [email protected]. We sincerely thank Lora Hansen and Shawna Roche for organizing the 2024-2025 school year Masses!

All families are encouraged to join us this Sunday when our Pre-Kindergarten and 4th grade students minister at the 9:30am St. Pius X Mass and the 10:00am St. Leo Mass.


It’s Pasta Fridays, March 14, 21, 28, April 4, 5-7:30 p.m.  St. Pius X Parish Center Please join us for your choice of five great meatless sauces over a variety of pastas.  Macaroni and cheese or cheese pizza for the kids. Plus, salad, bread and beverages. Tickets are $12 Adults, $10 Seniors, $6 Kids, $40 Family (2 adults and their children) Everyone is welcome! Questions?  402-558-8446





Our annual Race for Education will take place on Friday, May 9 on the school soccer fields. This is a SPSL tradition and important school fundraiser where students are actively involved. We will collect mailing labels of the names and addresses of friends and family who may wish to sponsor your student(s) during the 2 weeks leading up to Spring Break (Feb 24-March 7). Please sign up here to donate stamps, snow cones supplies and/or to volunteer on Race Day. You may view the 2025 Race for Education schedule here. It’s such a fun day for our school with music, special visitors, trivia and more – you will want to be a part of it!  You may learn more about this event here.





Registration for the SPSL Golf Classic – our 2st Annual – is now open! In celebration of the 21st year of this annual event, there will be casino themed games to play on the course! We hope you can join this year on Monday, May 19 at Field Club.

It’s a great day for a great cause – your favorite elementary school! Register online now or send your checks to SPSL School.

Don’t golf but want to help out and enjoy the day with SPSL friends? Sign up here to volunteer for a shift running one of the games on the course. You will be provided with everything you need from game instructions to a complimentary lunch, beverages, and shade!

Questions? Contact [email protected] or call 402-551-6667.





We are in need of volunteers to help serve in the cafeteria! This is a fun way for parents, grandparents, and friends of SPSL to meet students and other volunteers while helping the SPSL staff. Shifts are daily from 10:45am – 1:15pm.

Sign up for your slot here! 


For more announcements, ‘Like’ us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@SPSLomaha)!

Some of our classrooms also have Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook accounts so you can keep up to date on grade specific activities.