Daily Announcements

Upcoming Events

September 10th – Picture Day


Fall 2024-25 Spiritwear Store

Falls spirit wear delivery is scheduled for the week of September 16!


Cafeteria Volunteers Needed!

We are in need of volunteers to help serve in the cafeteria! This is a fun way for parents, grandparents, and friends of SPSL to meet students and other volunteers while helping the SPSL staff. Shifts are daily from 10:45am – 1:15pm.

Sign up for your slot here! 


Volunteers needed for Fall Fundraiser!

We are looking for volunteers to help in various ways with the SPSL Fall Fundraiser on October 19, 2024! Sign up via our Sign-Up Genius to help with things like event set-up and transportation, assembling silent auction baskets, hosting a sign-up party, and more.


Safe Environment Training

Dates: September 12 or September 26

Time: 6:30-9:00 pm

Location: St. Pius X Parish Center

All adults 19 or older who work or volunteer at a Catholic parish or school are required to complete Safe Environment Certification. We are offering training for those new volunteers or those needing to renew their out of date certification. If you need help signing up, please contact your Safe Environment Coordinator (Colleen Ciciulla – St. Pius; Nina Englin – SPSL) to help with registration. Please do not create a new account if you have already been registered/certified in the past.

For more announcements, ‘Like’ us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram (@SPSLomaha)!

Some of our classrooms also have Instagram, Twitter, and/or Facebook accounts so you can keep up to date on grade specific activities.