Speech Team / Forensics


Speech is a competitive team where 5th – 8th grade students learn about different types of speaking and prepare and perform their pieces in competition. Events include Duet Acting, Extemporaneous Speaking, Humorous and Dramatic Interpretation, Declamation, Oral Interpretation of Drama, Impromptu, Original Oratory, and Poetry Interpretation.

We are currently forming our 2025 team. Please see your homeroom teacher, TA, or the office for a permission form. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, February 11 in the Parish Center. Parents are encouraged to attend.

Last year we had 59 students competing! “Speechies” were busy memorizing pieces and increasing characterization and physicality for the interpretation events and busy writing and projecting confidence in their original oratory pieces.


Meetings on Tuesdays 3:30 – 4:30

Competitions most Fridays throughout the month of April and early May


Meetings on Tuesdays after school, February to May, 3:30-4:30pm

Please note that to be competitive, additional time outside of our Tuesday meetings is essential. Individual coaching at recess or lunch time is mandatory. All pieces must be approved by Mrs. Martinez before competing.

2025 Speech Meets: April 4 at Millard West, April 11 at Marian, April 25 at Millard North High, May 3 at Skutt


5th – 8th grades

*Please note that 5th graders are now invited to compete at all of our currently scheduled speech meets.


Signup information and permission forms for the 2025 team are available in your homeroom. Please ask at the office if you need an extra permission form. Our first meeting will be Tuesday, February 11 from 3:30-4:30. Registration forms for each speech meet will be available closer to the meet dates.


Speech meet fees (typically $8 per entry per meet) and optional meal fees

Scholarship forms are available.


Mrs. Jen Martinez

[email protected]

SPSL 2024 Speech Team Showcase

Last year we had our first ever showcase after the season to celebrate the hard work and accomplishments of the team. Students performed their pieces one last time for family and friends in a speech-meet-like setting but without the added stress of competition. They did a fantastic job showcasing their work.

SPSL 2024 Speech Showcase