Archdiocese Speech Contest

Archdiocese Speech Contest 2025:
Please see the attached information page (christthekingmiddleschoolspeechcontestemailtop) about the upcoming speech contest available to students in grades 5-8. This contest is hosted by Christ the King on April 24, 2025, and is in its second year. It is an excellent opportunity to sharpen your speech writing and delivery skills!
– The topic this year is “Lessons of Humility and Accountability from Religious Leaders” and offers students the opportunity to “highlight stories of religious figures who exemplified accountability as a form of faith in action”.
– This is an OPTIONAL contest opportunity.
*Please see Mrs. Martinez if you are interested in getting a jumpstart on this speech.
2025 Timeline/Due Dates:
Thursday, March 20 – Registration Form due
Thursday, April 3 – SPSL Round 1 (Round 2 will be used if there are more than 10 SPSL contestants)
Thursday, April 10 – SPSL Contestants (and Alternate) chosen and announced
Thursday, April 24 – Archdiocese Speech Contest at Christ the King
*Timeline/Due Dates will be posted for the 2025 contest when we receive contest materials.
Archdiocese Speech Contest – April 2024
Sam H. (6B) and Lidia E. (5D) represented SPSL at the First Annual Archdiocese Speech Contest.
Both Sam and Lidia represented themselves, their families, and their school so well; in their speeches, they truly expressed what it means to be a Child of God. Sam talked about how Mass, Eucharist and adoration really bring him close to God, while Lidia highlighted her family. With his passionate delivery, Sam even earned a third place victory in the contest.
We are so proud of you, Sam and Lidia!
About the Contest:
The Archdiocese of Omaha started a new speech contest in 2023-24. The topic was, “Where do I see God?” Students wrote and presented a memorized 3-5 minute speech on the topic. Students 5th-8th grade participated in the Round 1 SPSL competition on April 11th. Registration forms were due to Mrs. Martinez by April 4th. Two contestants were chosen to represent SPSL and compete at the Archdiocese contest at Christ the King on April 25th.
More details are available on your child’s Speech/Drama Google Classroom for 5th and 6th grade and on your child’s Religion Google Classroom for 7th and 8th grade.
2024 Timeline/Due Dates:
Thursday, April 4- Registration Form due
Thursday, April 11- SPSL Round 1
Friday, April 12- SPSL Contestant (and Alternate) chosen
Thursday, April 25- Archdiocese Speech Contest at Christ the King
*Timeline/Due Dates will be posted for the 2025 contest when we receive contest materials.

I earned my BA in Secondary Education (Speech/Theatre) from UNO and an additional teaching endorsement in Language Arts from the College of Saint Mary. This is my 17th year of teaching at SPSL, including two years substitute teaching. I have taught seventh grade Literature, English, Vocabulary, Geography, and Religion as well as sixth grade Religion, Guided Reading, and Skills. This year I am thrilled to be able to share my passion for theatre in 5th-8th grade Drama and Speech class!